No. |
Host Star (catalogue) 主星名 (カタログ名) |
# Planet (designation) 惑星名 (記号表記) |
Planet Mass (Jupiter mass) 惑星の質量 (木星質量) |
Planet Mass (Earth mass) 惑星の質量 (地球質量) |
Orbital Period (day) 公転周期(日) |
Semi Major Axis (au) 軌道長半径 (天文単位) |
Discovery (year) 発見(年) |
Constellation (English)
星座名 |
Meaning of the Constellation 星座名の意味 |
Visibility 可視性 |
V magnitude V等級 |
1 exoplanet (4 systems) |
1 |
Edasich (iota Draconis) |
iota Draconis b |
8.82 |
2803.3 |
510.7 |
1.275 |
2002 |
Draco りゅう |
The Dragon |
Visible to the naked eye |
3.3 |
中心星の光度階級はIII(巨星)で、巨星を公転する系外惑星としては初めて発見された。 |
2 |
Errai (gamma Cephei) |
gamma Cephei b |
1.85 |
588 |
903.3 |
2.05 |
2003 |
Cepheus ケフェウス |
The King |
Visible to the naked eye |
3.2 |
中心星は連星系で、惑星は主星の周囲を公転している。 |
3 |
Fomalhaut (alpha Piscis Austrini) |
Fomalhaut b |
3 |
953.5 |
320000 |
115 |
2008 |
Piscis Australis みなみのうお |
The Southern Fish |
Visible to the naked eye |
1.2 |
初めて直接撮像で発見された系外惑星の一つ。惑星の存在に懐疑的な意見もある。 |
4 |
Pollux (beta Geminorum) |
beta Geminorum b |
2.9 |
921.7 |
589.64 |
1.69 |
2006 |
Gemini ふたご |
The Twins |
Visible to the naked eye |
1.2 |
1等星に初めて発見された系外惑星。 |
1 star + 1 exoplanet (225 systems) |
 5 |
14 Andromedae |
14 Andromedae b |
5.33 |
1694 |
185.84 |
0.83 |
2008 |
Andromeda アンドロメダ |
The Chained Maiden |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.2 |
国立天文台188cm反射望遠鏡によって発見された、巨星の周囲を公転する惑星の一つ。 |
6 |
14 Herculis |
14 Herculis b |
4.64 |
1474.7 |
1773.4 |
2.77 |
2002 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
Visible through binoculars |
6.7 |
軌道離心率が0.37とややつぶれた楕円軌道を公転している。外側にもう一つの惑星の存在が予言されている。 |
7 |
16 Cygni B |
16 Cygni B b |
1.68 |
534 |
799.5 |
1.68 |
1996 |
Cygnus はくちょう |
The Swan |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.2 |
白鳥座16番星はA〜Cの3連星。軌道離心率は0.69とかなり細長い楕円軌道を公転している。 |
 8 |
18 Delphinis |
18 Delphinis b |
10.3 |
3273.6 |
993.3 |
2.6 |
2008 |
Delphinus いるか |
The Dolphin |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.5 |
9 |
4 Ursae Majoris |
4 Ursae Majoris b |
7.1 |
2256.6 |
269.3 |
0.87 |
2007 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.8 |
10 |
42 Draconis |
42 Draconis b |
3.88 |
1233.2 |
479.1 |
1.19 |
2008 |
Draco りゅう |
The Dragon |
Visible to the naked eye |
4.8 |
11 |
51 Pegasi |
51 Pegasi b |
0.47 |
148.7 |
4.23 |
0.052 |
1995 |
Pegasus ペガスス
| The Winged Horse |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.5 |
初めて発見された系外惑星。ホットジュピター。大気には水蒸気や一酸化炭素が検出されている。 |
 12 |
6 Lyncis |
6 Lyncis b |
2.4 |
762.8 |
899 |
2.2 |
2008 |
Lynx やまねこ |
The Lynx |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.9 |
13 |
70 Virginis |
70 Virginis b |
6.6 |
2097.7 |
116.67 |
0.48 |
1996 |
Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
Visible to the naked eye |
5 |
 14 |
81 Ceti |
81 Ceti b |
5.3 |
1684.5 |
952.7 |
2.5 |
2008 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.7 |
15 |
BD-10 3166 |
BD-10 3166 b |
0.48 |
152.6 |
3.49 |
0.046 |
2000 |
Crater コップ |
The Cup |
10.1 |
16 |
BD-17 63 |
BD-17 63 b |
5.1 |
1620.9 |
655.6 |
1.34 |
2008 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Visible through binoculars |
9.6 |
17 |
beta Pictoris |
beta Pictoris b |
7 |
2224.8 |
7890 |
9.04 |
2008 |
Pictor がか |
The Painter's Easel |
Visible to the naked eye |
3.9 |
直接撮像法で発見された惑星の中で最も短周期 |
18 |
CoRoT-1 |
CoRoT-1 b |
1.03 |
327.4 |
1.51 |
0.0254 |
2007 |
Monoceros いっかくじゅう |
The Unicorn |
13.6 |
19 |
CoRoT-2 |
CoRoT-2 b |
3.31 |
1052 |
1.74 |
0.0281 |
2007 |
Aquila わし |
The Eagle |
12.6 |
20 |
CoRoT-4 |
CoRoT-4 b |
0.72 |
228.8 |
9.2 |
0.09 |
2008 |
Monoceros いっかくじゅう |
The Unicorn |
13.7 |
21 |
epsilon Eridani |
epsilon Eridani b |
1.55 |
492.6 |
2502 |
3.39 |
2000 |
Eridanus エリダヌス |
The River |
Visible to the naked eye |
3.7 |
22 |
epsilon Reticuli |
epsilon Reticuli b |
1.35 |
429.1 |
415.2 |
1.16 |
2000 |
Reticulum レチクル |
The Reticle |
Visible to the naked eye |
4.4 |
 23 |
epsilon Tauri |
epsilon Tauri b |
7.6 |
2415.5 |
594.9 |
1.93 |
2007 |
Taurus おうし |
The Bull |
Visible to the naked eye |
3.5 |
散開星団で初めて発見された系外惑星、日本で発見 |
24 |
GJ 176 |
GJ 176 b |
0.03 |
8.4 |
8.78 |
0.066 |
2007 |
Taurus おうし |
The Bull |
Visible through binoculars |
10 |
25 |
GJ 436 |
GJ 436 b |
0.07 |
23.4 |
2.64 |
0.02887 |
2004 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
10.7 |
トランジット法で初めて見つかった海王星型惑星、厚い雲に覆われている可能性 |
26 |
GJ 674 |
GJ 674 b |
0.04 |
11.8 |
4.69 |
0.039 |
2007 |
Ara さいだん座 |
The Altar |
Visible through binoculars |
9.4 |
27 |
GJ 832 |
GJ 832 b |
0.64 |
203.4 |
3416 |
3.4 |
2008 |
Grus つる |
The Crane |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
28 |
GJ 849 |
GJ 849 b |
0.9 |
286 |
1914 |
2.35 |
2006 |
Aquarius みずがめ |
The Water Bearer |
10.4 |
29 |
GJ 86 |
GJ 86 b |
4.01 |
1274.5 |
15.77 |
0.11 |
2000 |
Eridanus エリダヌス |
The River |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.2 |
 30 |
HAT-P-1 |
HAT-P-1 b |
0.53 |
166.9 |
4.47 |
0.05561 |
2006 |
Lacerta とかげ |
The Lizard |
10.4 |
31 |
HAT-P-2 |
HAT-P-2 b |
8.74 |
2777.8 |
5.63 |
0.0674 |
2007 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
32 |
HAT-P-3 |
HAT-P-3 b |
0.59 |
187.8 |
2.9 |
0.03866 |
2007 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
11.9 |
33 |
HAT-P-4 |
HAT-P-4 b |
0.68 |
216.1 |
3.06 |
0.0446 |
2007 |
Bootes うしかい |
The Herdsman |
11.2 |
34 |
HAT-P-5 |
HAT-P-5 b |
1.06 |
336.9 |
2.79 |
0.04079 |
2007 |
Lyra こと |
The Lyre |
12 |
35 |
HAT-P-6 |
HAT-P-6 b |
1.06 |
335.9 |
3.85 |
0.05235 |
2007 |
Andromeda アンドロメダ |
The Chained Maiden |
10.5 |
36 |
HAT-P-7 |
HAT-P-7 b |
1.74 |
553.3 |
2.2 |
0.0379 |
2008 |
Cygnus はくちょう |
The Swan |
10.5 |
初の逆行惑星 |
37 |
HAT-P-8 |
HAT-P-8 b |
1.34 |
425.9 |
3.08 |
0.0449 |
2008 |
Pegasus ペガスス |
The Winged Horse |
10.2 |
38 |
HAT-P-9 |
HAT-P-9 b |
0.67 |
212.9 |
3.92 |
0.053 |
2008 |
Auriga ぎょしゃ |
The Charioteer |
12.3 |
39 |
HD 100777 |
HD 100777 b |
1.16 |
368.7 |
383.7 |
1.03 |
2007 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
Visible through binoculars |
8.4 |
40 |
HD 101930 |
HD 101930 b |
0.3 |
95.3 |
70.46 |
0.302 |
2005 |
Centaurus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
41 |
HD 102117 |
HD 102117 b |
0.17 |
54.7 |
20.67 |
0.1532 |
2004 |
Centaurus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
42 |
HD 102195 |
HD 102195 b |
0.45 |
143 |
4.11 |
0.049 |
| Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
43 |
HD 102272 |
HD 102272 b |
5.9 |
1875.2 |
127.58 |
0.614 |
2008 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
 44 |
HD 104985 |
HD 104985 b |
6.3 |
2002.3 |
198.2 |
0.78 |
2003 |
Camelopardalis きりん |
The Giraffe |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.8 |
日本で初めて発見された系外惑星 |
46 |
HD 106252 |
HD 106252 b |
7.56 |
2402.8 |
1600 |
2.7 |
2002 |
Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
Visible through binoculars |
7.4 |
46 |
HD 10647 |
HD 10647 b |
0.93 |
295.6 |
1003 |
2.03 |
2003 |
Eridanus エリダヌス |
The River |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.5 |
47 |
HD 10697 |
HD 10697 b |
6.38 |
2027.8 |
1076.4 |
2.16 |
2000 |
Pisces うお |
The Fishes |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.3 |
48 |
HD 107148 |
HD 107148 b |
0.21 |
66.7 |
48.06 |
0.269 |
2006 |
Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
49 |
HD 108147 |
HD 108147 b |
0.26 |
83 |
10.9 |
0.102 |
2002 |
Crux みなみじゅうじ |
The Southern Cross |
Visible through binoculars |
7 |
50 |
HD 109749 |
HD 109749 b |
0.28 |
89 |
5.24 |
0.0635 |
2005 |
Centaurus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
51 |
HD 111232 |
HD 111232 b |
6.8 |
2161.2 |
1143 |
1.97 |
2004 |
Musca はえ |
The Fly |
Visible through binoculars |
7.6 |
52 |
HD 114386 |
HD 114386 b |
1.24 |
394.1 |
937 |
1.02 |
2003 |
Cepheus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
53 |
HD 114729 |
HD 114729 b |
0.84 |
267 |
1135 |
2.08 |
2002 |
Centaurus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars |
6.7 |
54 |
HD 114762 |
HD 114762 b |
10.98 |
3489.8 |
83.92 |
0.353 |
1989 |
Coma Berenices かみのけ |
The Bernice's Hair |
Visible through binoculars |
7.3 |
55 |
HD 114783 |
HD 114783 b |
1 |
317.8 |
501 |
1.2 |
2001 |
Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
Visible through binoculars |
7.6 |
56 |
HD 11506 |
HD 11506 b |
3.44 |
1093.3 |
1270 |
2.43 |
2007 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
57 |
HD 117207 |
HD 117207 b |
2.06 |
654.7 |
2627.08 |
3.78 |
2004 |
Centaurus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars
| 7.3 |
58 |
HD 117618 |
HD 117618 b |
0.18 |
56.6 |
25.83 |
0.176 |
2004 |
Centaurus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars |
7.23 |
59 |
HD 118203 |
HD 118203 b |
2.13 |
677 |
6.13 |
0.07 |
2005 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
60 |
HD 11977 |
HD 11977 b |
6.54 |
2078.6 |
711 |
1.93 |
2005 |
Hydrus みずへび |
The Male Water Snake |
Visible to the naked eye |
4.7 |
61 |
HD 121504 |
HD 121504 b |
1.22 |
387.8 |
63.33 |
0.33 |
2003 |
Centaurus ケンタウルス |
The Centaur |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
62 |
HD 1237 |
HD 1237 b |
3.37 |
1071.1 |
133.71 |
0.49 |
2000 |
Hydrus みずへび |
The Male Water Snake |
Visible through binoculars |
6.6 |
63 |
HD 125612 |
HD 125612 b |
3 |
953.5 |
502 |
1.37 |
2007 |
Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
Visible through binoculars |
8.3 |
64 |
HD 130322 |
HD 130322 b |
1.02 |
324.2 |
10.72 |
0.088 |
1999 |
Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
65 |
HD 13189 |
HD 13189 b |
14 |
4449.6 |
471.6 |
1.85 |
2005 |
Triangulum さんかく |
The Triangle |
Visible through binoculars |
7.6 |
66 |
HD 132406 |
HD 132406 b |
5.61 |
1783 |
974 |
1.98 |
2007 |
Bootes うしかい |
The Herdsman |
Visible through binoculars |
8.5 |
67 |
HD 134987 |
HD 134987 b |
1.59 |
505.3 |
258.19 |
0.81 |
1999 |
Libra てんびん |
The Scales |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.5 |
68 |
HD 136118 |
HD 136118 b |
11.7 |
3718.6 |
1187.3 |
2.3 |
2002 |
Serpens へび |
The Serpent |
Visible through binoculars |
6.9 |
69 |
HD 139357 |
HD 139357 b |
9.7 |
3102 |
1125.7 |
2.36 |
2008 |
Draco りゅう |
The Dragon |
Faint to the naked eye |
6 |
70 |
HD 141937 |
HD 141937 b |
9.7 |
3083 |
653.22 |
1.52 |
2002 |
Libra てんびん |
The Scales |
Visible through binoculars |
7.3 |
71 |
HD 142 |
HD 142 b |
1.25 |
397.3 |
349.7 |
1.02 |
2001 |
Phoenix ほうおう |
The Phoenix |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.7 |
72 |
HD 142022 A |
HD 142022 A b |
5.1 |
1620.9 |
1928 |
3.03 |
2005 |
Octans はちぶんぎ |
The Octant |
Visible through binoculars |
7.7 |
73 |
HD 142415 |
HD 142415 b |
1.62 |
514.9 |
386.3 |
1.05 |
2003 |
Norma じょうぎ |
The Carpenter's Square |
Visible through binoculars |
7.3 |
74 |
HD 143361 |
HD 143361 b |
3.12 |
991.6 |
1057 |
2 |
2008 |
Norma じょうぎ |
The Carpenter's Square |
Visible through binoculars |
9.2 |
75 |
HD 145377 |
HD 145377 b |
5.76 |
1830.7 |
103.95 |
0.45 |
2008 |
Scorpius さそり |
The Scorpion |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
76 |
HD 147513 |
HD 147513 b |
1.21 |
384.6 |
528.4 |
1.32 |
2003 |
Scorpius さそり |
The Scorpion |
Visible to the naked eye
| 5.4 |
 77 |
HD 149026 |
HD 149026 b |
0.36 |
113.1 |
2.88 |
0.04288 |
2005 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
高密度ホットジュピター、すばる望遠鏡で初めて発見された系外惑星 |
78 |
HD 149143 |
HD 149143 b |
1.36 |
432.2 |
4.09 |
0.052 |
2005 |
Ophiuchus へびつかい |
The Serpent Holder |
Visible through binoculars |
7.9 |
79 |
HD 153950 |
HD 153950 b |
2.73 |
867.7 |
499.4 |
1.28 |
2008 |
Scorpius さそり |
The Scorpion |
Visible through binoculars |
7.4 |
80 |
HD 154345 |
HD 154345 b |
1 |
317.8 |
3538 |
4.3 |
2006 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
Visible through binoculars |
6.7 |
81 |
HD 154672 |
HD 154672 b |
5.02 |
1595.5 |
163.91 |
0.6 |
2008 |
Ara さいだん座 |
The Altar |
Visible through binoculars
| 8.2 |
82 |
HD 154857 |
HD 154857 b |
2.24 |
711.9 |
408.6 |
1.291 |
2004 |
Ara さいだん座 |
The Altar |
Visible through binoculars |
7.3 |
83 |
HD 156846 |
HD 156846 b |
11 |
3496.1 |
359.51 |
1.12 |
2008 |
Ophiuchus へびつかい |
The Serpent Holder |
Visible through binoculars |
6.5 |
84 |
HD 159868 |
HD 159868 b |
2.1 |
667.4 |
1178.4 |
2.25 |
2007 |
Scorpius さそり |
The Scorpion |
Visible through binoculars |
7.2 |
85 |
HD 16141 |
HD 16141 b |
0.22 |
68.3 |
75.82 |
0.35 |
2000 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Visible through binoculars |
6.8 |
86 |
HD 16417 |
HD 16417 b |
0.07 |
21.9 |
17.24 |
0.14 |
2008 |
Fornax ろ |
The Furnace |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.8 |
87 |
HD 164922 |
HD 164922 b |
0.36 |
114.4 |
1155 |
2.11 |
2006 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
Visible through binoculars |
7 |
 88 |
HD 167042 |
HD 167042 b |
1.6 |
508.5 |
416.1 |
1.3 |
2007 |
Draco りゅう |
The Dragon |
Faint to the naked eye |
6 |
89 |
HD 168443 |
HD 168443 b |
7.66 |
2434.3 |
58.11 |
0.2931 |
1998 |
Serpens へび |
The Serpent |
Visible through binoculars |
6.9 |
90 |
HD 168746 |
HD 168746 b |
0.23 |
73.1 |
6.4 |
0.065 |
2002 |
Serpens へび |
The Serpent |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
91 |
HD 170469 |
HD 170469 b |
0.67 |
212.9 |
1145 |
2.24 |
2007 |
Ophiuchus へびつかい |
The Serpent Holder |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
92 |
HD 17092 |
HD 17092 b |
4.6 |
1462 |
359.9 |
1.29 |
2007 |
Perseusペルセウス |
The Hero |
Visible through binoculars |
7.7 |
93 |
HD 171028 |
HD 171028 b |
1.98 |
629.3 |
550 |
1.32 |
2007 |
Ophiuchus へびつかい |
The Serpent Holder |
Visible through binoculars |
8.3 |
 94 |
HD 17156 |
HD 17156 b |
3.19 |
1014.2 |
21.22 |
0.1623 |
2007 |
Cassiopeia カシオペヤ |
The Seated Queen |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
95 |
HD 173416 |
HD 173416 b |
2.7 |
858.1 |
323.6 |
1.16 |
2008 |
Lyra こと |
The Lyre |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.1 |
96 |
HD 175541 |
HD 175541 b |
0.61 |
193.9 |
297.3 |
1.03 |
2007 |
Serpens |
The Serpent へび |
Visible through binoculars |
81 |
97 |
HD 177830 |
HD 177830 b |
1.49 |
473.6 |
406.6 |
1.2218 |
1999 |
Lyra こと |
The Lyre |
Visible through binoculars |
7.2 |
98 |
HD 178911 B |
HD 178911 B b |
6.29 |
1999.8 |
71.49 |
0.32 |
2001 |
Lyra こと |
The Lyre |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
99 |
HD 179079
| HD 179079 b |
0.08 |
25.4 |
14.48 |
0.11 |
2008 |
Aquila |
The Eagle わし |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
100 |
HD 179949
| HD 179949 b |
0.95 |
301.9 |
3.09 |
0.045 |
2000 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
Very faint to the naked |
eye 6.3 |
101 |
HD 185269 |
HD 185269 b |
0.94 |
298.8 |
6.84 |
0.077 |
2006 |
Cygnus はくちょう |
The Swan |
Visible through binoculars |
6.7 |
102 |
HD 187085 |
HD 187085 b |
0.75 |
238.4 |
986 |
2.05 |
2006 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
Visible through binoculars |
7.2 |
103 |
HD 188015 |
HD 188015 b |
1.26 |
400.5 |
456.46 |
1.19 |
2004 |
Vulpecula こぎつね |
The Fox |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
104 |
HD 189733
| HD 189733 b
| 1.14
| 361.7
| 2.22
| 0.03142
| 2005
| Vulpecula
| The Fox こぎつね
| Visible through binoculars
| 7.7 |
もやのかかった系外惑星 |
105 |
HD 190647 |
HD 190647 b |
1.9 |
603.9 |
1038.1 |
2.07 |
2007 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
Visible through binoculars |
7.8 |
106 |
HD 192263 |
HD 192263 b |
0.73 |
233 |
24.36 |
0.15312 |
1999 |
Aquila わし |
The Eagle |
Visible through binoculars |
7.8 |
107 |
HD 192699 |
HD 192699 b |
2.5 |
794.6 |
351.5 |
1.16 |
2007 |
| The Eagle |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.4 |
108 |
HD 195019 |
HD 195019 b |
3.7 |
1176 |
18.2 |
0.1388 |
1998 |
Delphinus いるか |
The Dolphin |
Visible through binoculars |
6.9 |
109 |
HD 196050
| HD 196050 b |
2.83 |
899.5 |
1316.24 |
2.47 |
2002 |
Pavo くじゃく |
The Peacock |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
110 |
HD 196885 A |
HD 196885 A b |
2.98 |
947.1 |
1326 |
2.6 |
2007 |
Delphinus いるか |
The Dolphin |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.4 |
111 |
HD 19994 |
HD 19994 b |
1.68 |
534 |
535.7 |
1.42 |
2003 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.1 |
112 |
HD 202206 |
HD 202206 c |
2.44 |
775.5 |
1383.4 |
2.55 |
2004 |
Capricornus やぎ |
The Sea Goat |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
113 |
HD 2039 |
HD 2039 b |
4.9 |
1557.4 |
1183 |
2.2 |
2002 |
Pavo ほうおう |
The Phoenix |
Visible through binoculars |
91 |
114 |
HD 205739 |
HD 205739 b |
1.37 |
435.4 |
279.8 |
0.896 |
2008 |
Piscis Australis みなみのうお |
The Southern Fish |
Visible through binoculars |
8.6 |
115 |
HD 20782 |
HD 20782 b |
1.9 |
603.9 |
591.9 |
1.381 |
2006 |
Fornax ろ |
The Furnace |
Visible through binoculars |
7.4 |
116 |
HD 208487 |
HD 208487 b |
0.41 |
131.3 |
129.8 |
0.51 |
2004 |
Grus つる |
The Crane |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
117 |
HD 20868 |
HD 20868 b |
1.99 |
632.5 |
380.85 |
0.947 |
2008 |
Fornax ろ |
The Furnace |
Visible through binoculars |
9.9 |
118 |
HD 209458 |
HD 209458 b |
0.71 |
226.9 |
3.52 |
0.04747 |
1999 |
Pegasus ペガスス |
The Winged Horse |
Visible through binoculars |
7.7 |
トランジット法で初めて発見された系外惑星 |
119 |
HD 210277 |
HD 210277 b |
1.23 |
390.9 |
442.1 |
1.1 |
1998 |
Aquarius みずがめ |
The Water Bearer |
Visible through binoculars |
6.6 |
120 |
HD 210702 |
HD 210702 b |
1.9 |
603.9 |
354.8 |
1.2 |
2007 |
Pegasus ペガスス |
The Winged Horse |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.9 |
121 |
HD 212301 |
HD 212301 b |
0.45 |
143 |
2.25 |
0.036 |
2005 |
Octans はちぶんぎ |
The Octant |
Visible through binoculars |
7.8 |
122 |
D 213240 |
HD 213240 b |
4.5 |
1430.2 |
951 |
2.03 |
2001 |
Grus つる |
The Crane |
Visible through binoculars |
6.8 |
123 |
HD 216437 |
HD 216437 b |
1.82 |
578.5 |
1256 |
2.32 |
2002 |
Indus インディアン |
The Indian |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.1 |
124 |
HD 216770 |
HD 216770 b |
0.65 |
206.6 |
118.45 |
0.46 |
2003 |
Piscis Australis みなみのうお |
The Southern Fish |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
125 |
HD 219828 |
HD 219828 b |
0.07 |
21 |
3.83 |
0.052 |
2007 |
Pegasus ペガスス |
The Winged Horse |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
126 |
HD 221287 |
HD 221287 b |
3.09 |
982.1 |
456.1 |
1.25 |
2007 |
Tucana きょしちょう |
The Toucan |
Visible through binoculars |
7.8 |
127 |
HD 222582 |
HD 222582 b |
7.75 |
2463.2 |
572.38 |
1.35 |
1999 |
Aquarius みずがめ |
The Water Bearer |
Visible through binoculars |
7.7 |
128 |
HD 224693 |
HD 224693 b |
0.71 |
225.7 |
26.73 |
0.233 |
2006 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
129 |
HD 23079 |
HD 23079 b |
2.5 |
794.6 |
626 |
1.5 |
2001 |
Reticulum レチクル |
The Reticle |
Visible through binoculars |
7.1 |
130 |
HD 23127 |
HD 23127 b |
1.5 |
476.7 |
1214 |
2.4 |
2007 |
Reticulum レチクル |
The Reticle |
Visible through binoculars |
8.6 |
131 |
HD 231701 |
HD 231701 b |
1.08 |
343.3 |
141.6 |
0.53 |
2007 |
Sagitta や |
The Arrow |
Visible through binoculars |
9 |
132 |
HD 23596 |
HD 23596 b |
8.1 |
2574.4 |
1565 |
2.88 |
2002 |
Perseus ペルセウス |
The Hero |
Visible through binocular |
7.2 |
133 |
HD 24040 |
HD 24040 b |
4.01 |
1274.5 |
3668 |
4.92 |
2006 |
Taurus おうし |
The Bull |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
134 |
HD 2638 |
HD 2638 b |
0.48 |
152.6 |
3.44 |
0.044 |
2005 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Visible through binoculars |
9.4 |
135 |
HD 27894 |
HD 27894 b |
0.62 |
197.1 |
17.99 |
0.122 |
2005 |
Reticulum レチクル |
The Reticle |
Visible through binoculars |
9.4 |
136 |
HD 28185 |
HD 28185 b |
5.7 |
1811.6 |
383 |
1.03 |
2001 |
Eridanus エリダヌス |
The River |
Visible through binoculars |
7.8 |
137 |
HD 30177 |
HD 30177 b |
7.7 |
2447.3 |
1620 |
2.6 |
2002 |
Dorado かじき |
The Swordfish |
Visible through binoculars |
8.4 |
138 |
HD 330075 |
HD 330075 b |
0.62 |
197.1 |
3.39 |
0.039 |
2004 |
Norma じょうぎ |
The Carpenter's Square |
Visible through binoculars |
9.4 |
139 |
HD 33283 |
HD 33283 b |
0.33 |
104.9 |
18.18 |
0.168 |
2006 |
Lepus うさぎ |
The Hare |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
140 |
HD 33564 |
HD 33564 b |
9.1 |
2892.3 |
388 |
1.1 |
2005 |
Camelopardalis きりん |
The Giraffe |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.1 |
141 |
HD 3651 |
HD 3651 b |
0.2 |
63.6 |
62.23 |
0.284 |
2003 |
Pisces うお |
The Fishes |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.8 |
142 |
HD 37605 |
HD 37605 b |
2.81 |
894.1 |
55.01 |
0.2837 |
2004 |
Orion オリオン |
The Hunter |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
143 |
HD 38529 |
HD 38529 b |
0.78 |
247.9 |
14.31 |
0.131 |
2000 |
Orion オリオン |
The Hunter |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.9 |
144 |
HD 39091 |
HD 39091 b |
10.3 |
3273.6 |
2049 |
3.28 |
2001 |
Mensa テーブル山 |
The Table Mountain |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.7 |
145 |
HD 40979 |
HD 40979 b |
3.28 |
1042.5 |
263.1 |
0.83 |
2002 |
Auriga ぎょしゃ |
The Charioteer |
Visible through binoculars |
6.7 |
146 |
HD 41004 A |
HD 41004 A b |
2.54 |
807.3 |
963 |
1.64 |
2004 |
Pictor がか |
The Painter's Easel |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
147 |
HD 4113 |
HD 4113 b |
1.56 |
495.8 |
526.62 |
1.28 |
2007 |
Sculptor ちょうこくしつ |
The Sculptor |
Visible through binoculars |
7.9 |
148 |
HD 4203 |
HD 4203 b |
1.82 |
578.5 |
437.05 |
1.164 |
2001 |
Pisces うお |
The Fishes |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
149 |
HD 4208 |
HD 4208 b |
0.8 |
254.3 |
829 |
1.7 |
2001 |
Sculptor ちょうこくしつ |
The Sculptor |
Visible through binoculars |
7.8 |
150 |
HD 4308 |
HD 4308 b |
0.04 |
12.9 |
15.61 |
0.118 |
2005 |
Tucana きょしちょう |
The Toucan |
Visible through binoculars |
6.5 |
151 |
HD 43691 |
HD 43691 b |
2.49 |
791.4 |
36.96 |
0.24 |
2007 |
Auriga ぎょしゃ |
The Charioteer |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
152 |
HD 45350 |
HD 45350 b |
1.79 |
568.9 |
890.76 |
1.92 |
2004 |
AurigaM ぎょしゃ |
The Charioteer |
Visible through binoculars |
7.9 |
153 |
HD 45652 |
HD 45652 b |
0.47 |
149.4 |
43.6 |
0.23 |
2008 |
Monoceros いっかくじゅう |
The Unicorn |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
154 |
HD 46375 |
HD 46375 b |
0.25 |
79.1 |
3.02 |
0.041 |
2000 |
Monoceros いっかくじゅう |
The Unicorn |
Visible through binoculars |
7.9 |
155 |
HD 47536 |
HD 47536 b |
5 |
589.2 |
430 |
1.61 |
2003 |
Canis Major おおいぬ |
The Great Dog |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.3 |
156 |
HD 48265 |
HD 48265 b |
1.16 |
368.7 |
700 |
1.51 |
2008 |
Puppis とも |
The Stern |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
157 |
HD 49674 |
HD 49674 b |
0.12 |
36.6 |
4.94 |
0.058 |
2002 |
Auriga ぎょしゃ |
The Charioteer |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
158 |
HD 50499 |
HD 50499 b |
1.71 |
543.5 |
2482.7 |
3.86 |
2005 |
Puppis とも |
The Stern |
Visible through binoculars |
7.2 |
159 |
HD 50554 |
HD 50554 b |
5.16 |
1640 |
1293 |
2.41 |
2002 |
Gemini ふたご |
The Twins |
Visible through binoculars |
6.9 |
160 |
HD 52265 |
HD 52265 b |
1.05 |
333.7 |
119.6 |
0.5 |
2000 |
Monoceros いっかくじゅう |
The Unicorn |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.3 |
161 |
HD 5319 |
HD 5319 b |
1.94 |
616.6 |
675 |
1.75 |
2007 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
162 |
HD 63454 |
HD 63454 b |
0.38 |
120.8 |
2.82 |
0.036 |
2005 |
Chamaeleon カメレオン |
The Chameleon |
Visible through binoculars |
9.4 |
163 |
HD 6434 |
HD 6434 b |
0.39 |
124 |
22 |
0.14 |
2000 |
Phoenix ほうおう
| The Phoenix |
Visible through binoculars |
7.7 |
164 |
HD 65216 |
HD 65216 b |
1.26 |
400.5 |
572.4 |
1.3 |
2003 |
Carina りゅうこつ |
The Keel |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
165 |
HD 66428 |
HD 66428 b |
2.82 |
896.3 |
1973 |
3.18 |
2006 |
Monoceros いっかくじゅう |
The Unicorn |
Visible through binoculars |
8.3 |
166 |
HD 68988 |
HD 68988 b |
1.9 |
603.9 |
6.28 |
0.071 |
2001 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
167 |
HD 70573 |
HD 70573 b |
6.1 |
1938.8 |
851.8 |
1.76 |
2007 |
Hydra うみへび |
The Female Water Snake |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
168 |
HD 70642 |
HD 70642 b |
2 |
635.7 |
2231 |
3.3 |
2003 |
Puppis とも |
The Stern |
Visible through binoculars |
7.2 |
169 |
HD 72659 |
HD 72659 b |
3.15 |
1001.2 |
3658 |
4.74 |
2002 |
Hydra うみへび |
The Female Water Snake |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
170 |
HD 73256 |
HD 73256 b |
1.87 |
594.3 |
2.55 |
0.037 |
2003 |
Pyxis らしんばん |
The Compass |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
171 |
HD 73267 |
HD 73267 b |
3.06 |
972.6 |
1260 |
2.198 |
2008 |
Pyxis らしんばん |
The Compass |
Visible through binoculars |
8.9 |
172 |
HD 73534 |
HD 73534 b |
1.15 |
365.5 |
1800 |
3.15 |
2008 |
Cancer かに |
The Crab |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
173 |
HD 75289 |
HD 75289 b |
0.42 |
133.5 |
3.51 |
0.046 |
1999 |
Vela ほ |
The Sails |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.4 |
174 |
HD 75898 |
HD 75898 b |
2.51 |
797.8 |
418.2 |
1.19 |
2007 |
Lynx やまねこ |
The Lynx |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
175 |
HD 76700 |
HD 76700 b |
0.2 |
62.6 |
3.97 |
0.049 |
2002 |
Volans とびうお |
The Flying Fish |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
176 |
HD 7924 |
HD 7924 b |
0.03 |
9.2 |
5.4 |
0.057 |
2008 |
Cassiopeia カシオペヤ |
The Seated Queen |
Visible through binoculars |
7.2 |
177 |
HD 80606 |
HD 80606 b |
3.94 |
1252.3 |
111.44 |
0.449 |
2001 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
Visible through binoculars |
8.9 |
超楕円軌道惑星 |
178 |
HD 81040 |
HD 81040 b |
6.86 |
2180.3 |
1001.7 |
1.94 |
2005 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
isible through binoculars |
7.7 |
 179 |
HD 81688 |
HD 81688 b |
2.7 |
858.1 |
184.02 |
0.81 |
2008 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.4 |
180 |
HD 83443 |
HD 83443 b |
0.4 |
127.1 |
2.99 |
0.0406 |
2002 |
Vela ほ |
The Sails |
Visible through binoculars |
8.2 |
181 |
HD 8574 |
HD 8574 b |
2.11 |
670.6 |
227.55 |
0.77 |
2003 |
Pisces うお |
The Fishes |
Visible through binoculars |
7.1 |
182 |
HD 86081 |
HD 86081 b |
1.5 |
476.7 |
2.14 |
0.039 |
2006 |
Sextans ろくぶんぎ |
The Sextant |
Visible through binoculars |
8.7 |
183 |
HD 88133 |
HD 88133 b |
0.22 |
69.9 |
3.42 |
0.047 |
2004 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
Visible through binoculars |
8 |
184 |
HD 89307 |
HD 89307 b |
2 |
635.7 |
2199 |
3.34 |
2004 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
Visible through binoculars |
7.1 |
185 |
HD 89744 |
HD 89744 b |
7.2 |
2288.4 |
256 |
0.88 |
2000 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.7 |
186 |
HD 92788 |
HD 92788 b |
3.86 |
1226.8 |
325.81 |
0.97 |
2000 |
Sextans ろくぶんぎ |
The Sextant |
Visible through binoculars |
7.3 |
187 |
HD 93083 |
HD 93083 b |
0.37 |
117.6 |
143.58 |
0.477 |
2005 |
Antlia ポンプ座 |
The Air Pump |
Visible through binoculars |
8.3 |
188 |
HD 99109 |
HD 99109 b |
0.5 |
159.6 |
439.3 |
1.105 |
2006 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
Visible through binoculars |
9.1 |
189 |
HD 99492 |
HD 99492 b |
0.11 |
34.6 |
17.04 |
0.1232 |
2004 |
Leo しし |
The Lion |
Visible through binoculars |
7.4 |
190 |
iota Horologii |
iota Horologii b |
2.26 |
718.3 |
320.1 |
0.925 |
1999 |
Horologium とけい |
The Clock |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.4 |
191 |
kappa Coronae Borealis |
kappa Coronae Borealis b |
1.6 |
508.5 |
1251 |
2.6 |
2007 |
Corona Borealis かんむり |
The Northern Crown |
Visible to the naked eye |
4.8 |
 192 |
MOA-2007-BLG-192-L |
MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b |
0.01 |
3.2 |
0.66 |
2008 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
非常に軽い星をまわる冷たいスーパーアース |
 193 |
MOA-2007-BLG-400-L |
MOA-2007-BLG-400-L b |
0.9 |
286 |
0.85 |
2008 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
194 |
NGC 2423 3 |
NGC 2423 3 b |
10.6 |
3369 |
714.3 |
2.1 |
2007 |
Puppis |
The Stern とも |
Visible through binoculars |
9.5 |
 195 |
OGLE-2005-BLG-071L |
OGLE-2005-BLG-071L b |
3.5 |
1112.4 |
3600 |
3.6 |
2005 |
Scorpius さそり |
The Scorpion |
196 |
OGLE-2005-BLG-169L |
OGLE-2005-BLG-169L b |
0.04 |
12.7 |
3300 |
2.8 |
2005 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
 197 |
OGLE-2005-BLG-390L |
OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b |
0.02 |
5.4 |
3500 |
2.1 |
2005 |
Scorpius さそり |
The Scorpion |
 198 |
OGLE-2003-BLG-235/MOA-2003-BLG-53L |
OGLE-2003-BLG-235/MOA-2003-BLG-53L b |
2.6 |
826.4 |
5.1 |
2004 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
重力マイクロレンズ法で初めて発見された系外惑星 |
199 |
OGLE2-TR-L9 b |
4.34 |
1379.4 |
2.49 |
0.0308 |
2007 |
Carina りゅうこつ |
The Keel |
200 |
OGLE-TR-10 |
OGLE-TR-10 b |
0.68 |
216.1 |
3.1 |
0.04162 |
2004 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
201 |
OGLE-TR-111 |
OGLE-TR-111 b |
0.54 |
171.6 |
4.01 |
0.047 |
2004 |
Carina りゅうこつ |
The Keel |
202 |
OGLE-TR-113 |
OGLE-TR-113 b |
1.24 |
394.1 |
1.43 |
0.0229 |
2004 |
Carina りゅうこつ |
The Keel |
203 |
OGLE-TR-132 |
OGLE-TR-132 b |
1.17 |
371.9 |
1.69 |
0.0306 |
2004 |
Carina りゅうこつ |
The Keel |
204 |
OGLE-TR-182 |
OGLE-TR-182 b |
1.06 |
336.9 |
3.98 |
0.051 |
2007 |
Carina りゅうこつ |
The Keel |
16.8 |
205 |
OGLE-TR-211 |
OGLE-TR-211 b |
0.75 |
238.4 |
3.68 |
0.051 |
2007 |
Carina りゅうこつ |
The Keel |
206 |
OGLE-TR-56 |
OGLE-TR-56 b |
1.3 |
413.2 |
1.21 |
0.0225 |
2002 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
16.6 |
207 |
tau Bootis |
tau Bootis b |
5.9 |
1875.2 |
3.31 |
0.046 |
1996 |
Bootes うしかい |
The Herdsman |
Visible to the naked eye |
4.5 |
208 |
tau1 Gruis |
tau1 Gruis b |
1.26 |
400.5 |
1311 |
2.56 |
2002 |
Grus つる |
The Crane |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6 |
209 |
TrES-1 |
TrES-1 b |
0.76 |
241.9 |
3.03 |
0.0393 |
2004 |
Lyra こと |
The Lyre |
11.8 |
210 |
TrES-2 |
TrES-2 b |
1.25 |
398.2 |
2.47 |
0.03556 |
2006 |
Draco りゅう |
The Dragon |
11.4 |
211 |
TrES-3 |
TrES-3 b |
1.91 |
607.1 |
1.31 |
0.0226 |
2007 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
12.4 |
212 |
TrES-4 |
TrES-4 b |
0.92 |
291.5 |
3.55 |
0.05084 |
2007 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
11.6 |
213 |
V391 Pegasi |
V391 Pegasi b |
3.2 |
1017.1 |
1170 |
1.7 |
2007 |
Pegasus ペガスス |
The Winged Horse |
14.6 |
214 |
WASP-1 |
WASP-1 b |
0.86 |
273.3 |
2.52 |
0.0382 |
2006 |
Andromeda アンドロメダ |
The Chained Maiden |
11.8 |
215 |
WASP-10 |
WASP-10 b |
3.16 |
1004.3 |
3.09 |
0.0371 |
2008 |
Pegasus ペガスス |
The Winged Horse |
12.7 |
216 |
WASP-11-HAT-P-10 |
WASP-11-HAT-P-10 b |
0.46 |
146.2 |
3.72 |
0.0439 |
2008 |
Aries おひつじ |
The Ram |
11.9 |
217 |
WASP-12 |
WASP-12 b |
1.4 |
446.2 |
1.09 |
0.02293 |
2008 |
Auriga ぎょしゃ |
The Charioteer |
11.7 |
超短周期惑星 |
218 |
WASP-14 |
WASP-14 b |
7.34 |
2333.2 |
2.24 |
0.036 |
2008 |
Bootes うしかい |
The Herdsman |
Visible through binoculars |
9.8 |
219 |
WASP-2 |
WASP-2 b |
0.85 |
269.2 |
2.15 |
0.03138 |
2006 |
Delphinus いるか |
The Dolphin |
12 |
220 |
WASP-3 |
WASP-3 b |
2.06 |
654.7 |
1.85 |
0.0313 |
2007 |
Lyra こと |
The Lyre |
10.6 |
221 |
WASP-4 |
WASP-4 b |
1.24 |
393.2 |
1.34 |
0.02312 |
2007 |
Phoenix ほうおう |
The Phoenix |
12.6 |
222 |
WASP-5 |
WASP-5 b |
1.64 |
520.3 |
1.63 |
0.02729 |
2007 |
Phoenix ほうおう |
The Phoenix |
12.3 |
223 |
WASP-7 |
WASP-7 b |
0.96 |
305.1 |
4.95 |
0.0617 |
2008 |
Microscopium けんびきょう |
The Microscope |
Visible through binoculars |
9.5 |
 224 |
ksi Aquilae |
ksi Aquilae b |
2.8 |
889.9 |
136.75 |
0.68 |
2008 |
Aquila わし |
The Eagle |
isible to the naked eye |
4.7 |
225 |
XO-1 |
XO-1 b |
0.9 |
286 |
3.94 |
0.0488 |
2006 |
Corona Borealis かんむり |
The Northern Crown |
11.3 |
226 |
XO-2 |
XO-2 b |
0.62 |
197.1 |
2.62 |
0.0369 |
2007 |
Lynx やまねこ |
The Lynx |
11.2 |
227 |
XO-3 |
XO-3 b |
11.79 |
3747.2 |
3.19 |
0.0454 |
2007 |
Camelopardalis きりん |
The Giraffe |
Visible through binoculars |
9.8 |
228 |
XO-4 |
XO-4 b |
1.72 |
546.7 |
4.13 |
0.0555 |
2008 |
Lynx やまねこ |
The Lynx |
10.7 |
229 |
XO-5 |
XO-5 b |
1.08 |
342.3 |
4.19 |
0.0487 |
2008 |
Lynx やまねこ
| The Lynx |
12.1 |
1 star + 2 exoplanets (20 systems) |
230 |
47 Ursae Majoris |
47 Ursae Majoris b |
2.53 |
804.1 |
1078 |
2.1 |
1996 |
Ursa Major おおぐま |
The Great Bear |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.1 |
231 |
47 Ursae Majoris c |
0.54 |
171.6 |
2391 |
3.6 |
2001 |
232 |
GJ 317 |
GJ 317 b |
1.8 |
572.1 |
691.78 |
1.15 |
2007 |
Pyxis らしんばん |
The Compass |
12 |
233 |
GJ 317 c |
2 |
635.7 |
10000 |
30 |
2007 |
234 |
HD 108874 |
HD 108874 b |
1.36 |
432.2 |
395.4 |
1.051 |
2003 |
Coma Berenices かみのけ |
The Bernice's Hair |
Visible through binoculars |
8.8 |
235 |
HD 108874 c |
1.02 |
323.6 |
1605.8 |
2.68 |
2005 |
236 |
HD 11964 |
HD 11964 b |
0.62 |
197.7 |
1945 |
3.16 |
2005 |
Cetus くじら |
The Sea Monster |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.4 |
237 |
HD 11964 c |
0.08 |
25.1 |
37.91 |
0.229 |
2005 |
238 |
HD 12661 |
HD 12661 b |
2.3 |
731 |
263.6 |
0.83 |
2000 |
Aries おひつじ |
The Ram |
Visible through binoculars |
7.4 |
239 |
HD 12661 c |
1.57 |
499 |
1708 |
2.56 |
2002 |
240 |
HD 128311 |
HD 128311 b |
2.18 |
692.9 |
448.6 |
1.099 |
2002 |
Bootes うしかい |
The Herdsman |
Visible through binoculars |
7.5 |
241 |
HD 128311 c |
3.21 |
1020.2 |
919 |
1.76 |
2005 |
242 |
HD 155358 |
HD 155358 b |
0.85 |
270.2 |
194.3 |
0.64 |
2007 |
Hercules ヘルクレス |
The Hercules |
Visible through binoculars |
7.3 |
243 |
HD 155358 c |
0.82 |
260.6 |
391.9 |
1.02 |
2007 |
244 |
HD 169830 |
HD 169830 b |
2.88 |
915.4 |
225.62 |
0.81 |
2000 |
Sagittarius いて座 |
The Archer |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.9 |
245 |
HD 169830 c |
4.04 |
1284 |
2102 |
3.6 |
2003 |
246 |
HD 183263 |
HD 183263 b |
3.67 |
1166.4 |
626.5 |
1.51 |
2004 |
Aquila わし |
The Eagle |
Visible through binoculars |
7.9 |
247 |
HD 183263 c |
3.82 |
1214.1 |
2950 |
4.25 |
2008 |
248 |
HD 187123 |
HD 187123 b |
0.52 |
165.3 |
3.1 |
0.0426 |
1998 |
Cygnus はくちょう |
The Swan |
Visible through binoculars |
7.9 |
249 |
HD 187123 c |
1.99 |
632.5 |
3810 |
4.89 |
1998 |
250 |
HD 190360 |
HD 190360 b |
1.5 |
477.4 |
2891 |
3.92 |
2003 |
Cygnus はくちょう |
The Swan |
Faint to the naked eye |
5.7 |
251 |
HD 190360 c |
0.06 |
18.1 |
17.1 |
0.128 |
2005 |
252 |
HD 217107 |
HD 217107 b |
1.33 |
422.7 |
7.13 |
0.073 |
1998 |
Pisces うお |
The Fishes |
Very faint to the naked eye |
6.2 |
253 |
HD 217107 c
| 2.49 |
791.4 |
4210 |
5.27 |
1998 |
254 |
HD 45364 |
HD 45364 b |
0.19 |
59.5 |
226.93 |
0.6813 |
2008 |
Canis Major おおいぬ |
The Great Dog |
Visible through binoculars |
8.1 |
255 |
HD 45364 c |
0.66 |
209.1 |
342.85 |
0.8972 |
2008 |
256 |
HD 47186 |
HD 47186 b |
0.07 |
22.8 |
4.08 |
0.05 |
2008 |
Canis Major おおいぬ |
The Great Dog |
Visible through binoculars |
7.8 |
257 |
HD 47186 c |
0.35 |
111.4 |
1353.6 |
2.395 |
2008 |
258 |
HD 60532 |
HD 60532 b |
3.15 |
1001.2 |
201.83 |
0.77 |
2008 |
Puppis とも |
The Stern |
Visible to the naked eye |
4.5 |
259 |
HD 60532 c |
7.46 |
2371 |
607.06 |
1.58 |
2008 |
260 |
HD 73526 |
HD 73526 b |
2.9 |
921.7 |
188.3 |
0.66 |
2002 |
Vela ほ |
The Sails |
Visible through binoculars |
9 |
261 |
HD 73526 c |
2.5 |
794.6 |
377.8 |
1.05 |
2006 |
262 |
HD 74156
| HD 74156 b |
1.88 |
597.5 |
51.65 |
0.294 |
2003 |
Hydra うみへび |
The Female Water Snake |
Visible through binoculars |
7.6 |
263 |
HD 74156 c |
8.03 |
2552.2 |
2476 |
3.4 |
2003 |
264 |
HD 82943 |
HD 82943 b |
4.8 |
1525.6 |
442.4 |
1.19 |
2003 |
Hydra うみへび |
The Female Water Snake |
| 6.5 |
265 |
HD 82943 c |
4.78 |
1519.2 |
219.3 |
0.746 |
2003 |
266 |
HIP 14810 |
HIP 14810 b |
3.88 |
1233.2 |
6.67 |
0.0692 |
2006 |
Aries おひつじ |
The Ram |
Visible through binoculars
| 8.5 |
267 |
HIP 14810 c |
1.28 |
406.8 |
147.73 |
0.545 |
2006 |
 268 |
OGLE-2006-BLG-109L |
OGLE-2006-BLG-109L b |
0.73 |
231.1 |
1790 |
2.3 |
2008 |
Scorpius さそり |
The Scorpion |
269 |
OGLE-2006-BLG-109L c |
0.27 |
86.1 |
4931 |
4.5 |
2008 |
1 star + 3 exoplanets (9 systems) |
270 |
GJ 581 |
GJ 581 b |
0.05 |
15.9 |
5.37 |
0.041 |
2005 |
Libra てんびん |
The Scales |
10.6 |
271 |
GJ 581 c |
0.02 |
5.4 |
12.92 |
0.073 |
2007 |
272 |
GJ 581 d |
0.02 |
6 |
66.64 |
0.22 |
2007 |
273 |
Gliese 876 |
Gliese 876 b |
1.93 |
612.5 |
61.03 |
0.208317 |
2000 |
Aquarius みずがめ |
The Water Bearer |
10.2 |
274 |
Gliese 876 c |
0.64 |
202.5 |
30.23 |
0.12959 |
2000 |
275 |
Gliese 876 d |
0.02 |
5.4 |
1.94 |
0.02080665 |
2005 |
276 |
HD 181433 |
HD 181433 b |
0.02 |
7.6 |
9.37 |
0.08 |
2008 |
Pavo くじゃく |
The Peacock |
Visible through binoculars |
8.4 |
277 |
HD 181433 c |
0.64 |
203.4 |
962 |
1.76 |
2008 |
278 |
HD 181433 d |
0.54 |
171.6 |
2172 |
3 |
2008 |
279 |
HD 37124 |
HD 37124 b |
0.68 |
214.5 |
154.38 |
0.53364 |
1999 |
Taurus おうし |
The Bull |
Visible through binoculars |
7.7 |
280 |
HD 37124 c |
0.65 |
207.2 |
885.5 |
1.71 |
2005 |
281 |
HD 37124 d |
0.7 |
221.2 |
1862 |
2.807 |
2003 |
282 |
HD 40307 |
HD 40307 b |
0.01 |
4 |
4.31 |
0.0468 |
2008 |
Pictor がか |
The Painter's Easel |
Visible through binoculars |
7.2 |
283 |
HD 40307 c |
0.02 |
6.6 |
9.62 |
0.0799 |
2008 |
284 |
HD 40307 d |
0.03 |
9.5 |
20.43 |
0.1321 |
2008 |
285 |
HD 69830 |
HD 69830 b |
0.033 |
10.5 |
8.667 |
0.0785 |
2006 |
Puppis とも |
The Stern |
Faint to the naked eye |
6 |
286 |
HD 69830 c |
0.038 |
12.1 |
31.56 |
0.186 |
2006 |
287 |
HD 69830 d |
0.06 |
18.4 |
197 |
0.63 |
2006 |
288 |
HR 8799 |
HR 8799 b |
7 |
2224.8 |
164250 |
68 |
2008 |
Pegasus ペガスス |
The Winged Horse |
Faint to the naked eye |
6 |
289 |
HR 8799 c |
10 |
3178.3 |
82145 |
42.9 |
2008 |
290 |
HR 8799 d |
10 |
3178.3 |
41054 |
27 |
2008 |
直接撮像法で初めて発見された系外惑星、太陽より重い恒星まわりで初めて発見された系外惑星 |
291 |
PSR 1257 12 |
PSR 1257 12 b |
0.00007 |
0.022 |
25.26 |
0.19 |
1992 |
Virgo おとめ |
The Maiden |
292 |
PSR 1257 12 c |
0.01 |
4.1 |
66.54 |
0.36 |
1992 |
293 |
PSR 1257 12 d |
0.01 |
3.8 |
98.21 |
0.46 |
1992 |
パルサータイミング法で初めて発見された系外惑星 |
294 |
upsilon Andromedae |
upsilon Andromedae b |
0.62 |
197.1 |
4.62 |
0.059 |
1996 |
Andromeda アンドロメダ |
The Chained Maiden |
Visible to the naked eye |
4.1 |
295 |
upsilon Andromedae c |
1.8 |
572.1 |
237.7 |
0.861 |
1999 |
296 |
upsilon Andromedae d |
10.19 |
3238.7 |
1302.61 |
2.55 |
1999 |
1 star + 4 exoplanets (1 system) |
297 |
mu Arae |
mu Arae b |
1.68 |
532.7 |
643.25 |
1.5 |
2000 |
Ara さいだん座 |
The Altar |
Visible to the naked eye |
5.2 |
298 |
mu Arae c |
0.03 |
10.6 |
9.64 |
0.09094 |
2004 |
299 |
mu Arae d
| 0.52 |
165.9 |
310.55 |
0.921 |
2004 |
300 |
mu Arae e |
1.81 |
576.5 |
4205.8 |
5.235 |
2006 |
1 star + 5 exoplanets (1 system) |
301 |
55 Cancri |
55 Cancri b |
0.8 |
254.3 |
14.65 |
0.1134 |
1996 |
Cancer かに |
The Crab |
Faint to the naked eye |
6 |
302 |
55 Cancri c |
0.17 |
53.7 |
44.34 |
0.2403 |
2002 |
303 |
55 Cancri d |
3.84 |
1218.9 |
5218 |
5.76 |
2002 |
304 |
55 Cancri e |
0.03 |
8.3 |
0.74 |
0.0156 |
2004 |
305 |
55 Cancri f |
0.14 |
45.8 |
260.7 |
0.781 |
2007 |
太陽系近傍のトランジットスーパーアース |